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Bedding 床上用品

Bedding 床上用品

感性的純素淨色系列貼合您的肌膚 高品質床品系列讓你享有一夜好眠,舒緩日間壓力,家家戶戶床上用品採用優質物料,擁有尤如真絲的柔軟光滑及垂墜性,外觀尊貴脫俗。比起其它纖維更能防止水份流失,不因經常與肌膚磨擦而令皮膚失去表層水份,幫助調節肌膚濕度,給予柔滑親膚之貼身睡眠享受,配以精湛紡織及印染整理技術,便於打理,體驗優質床品,夜夜好眠。 

Umbrella 雨傘

Umbrella 雨傘

All Weather umbrella 全天候雨傘 ☂ 全新色系 18cm 輕質小巧扁身五折縮骨遮圓頭 五折黑色塗層 防紫外線 晴雨兩用 口袋縮骨遮... 

Yoga 瑜珈運動配件

Yoga 瑜珈運動配件

如何選擇瑜珈運動健身配件? 瑜珈有很多不同的種類,每種都有其特殊之處,現在就跟著我們的建議來挑選適合瑜珈運動健身的穿著配件吧! 

Enhance Your Wellness Journey with Premium Yoga Products.

A must-have Sport item for yoga and fitness enthusiasts. The soles of the socks are equipped with anti-slip glue, which effectively prevents slippage during yoga training, reduces impact, and effectively protects Yoga Practitioner safety. The socks are made of soft, comfortable cotton which is breathable and has good elasticity. A must for studio classes Professional Socks has non-slip grips, cushioning soles and fit-perfecting elastic straps, so you can stay comfortable through every workout.

Yoga Socks